MineLab, is a complete crypto-mining WordPress plugin that enables an excellent opportunity to create your cloud crypto-mining WordPress website. worlds are becoming cashless and crypto is becoming more popular day by day. it’s an $8 Billion industry currently. a lot of people are now interested to run their cloud mining platform, some datacenter who has a lot of mining tools are interested to connect those online so that’s can peoples able to invest there. we got hundreds of requests to develop such items and we collect ideas from some popular cloud mining platforms: genesis mining, shamining, hashshiny, iqmining.
MineLab is a complete cloud-mining WordPress plugin, that gives profits to users by following rules set by the admin. MineLab is easily installable, and controllable through the admin panel and comes with a responsive design, high security, interactive User interface. support plugins, Google ReCaptcha, automatic payment gateway, cards, currencies, and cryptos. We have included standard documents with files, That documentation will help to understand the total system and we have tried to summarize the total process of the site here. This plugin comes with a very simple and easy-to-use admin panel and user panel which leads to use without any coding knowledge.
- Go to Plugins > Add New option.
- Click on Upload plugin.
- Upload the Files.zip
- Now activate the plugin.
Using the best, future-proof, and secure stack known to the world: PHP, WordPress.
Demo URL: https://plugin.TechieXtract.com/minelab/demo/login/
- Full Source Code
- Total Project Documentation